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March 4, 2023: SolNet successfully develops the largest PV project in Baden-Württemberg with EnBW

With the symbolic groundbreaking and the start of construction, the SolNet team successfully completed the multi-year project development for the 80 MW solar park in Langenenslingen-Wilflingen. Initial discussions between SolNet's managing director Hans Pfisterer and Mayor Andreas Schneider took place as early as May 2018. Changes in the energy sector's framework conditions enabled the start of the concrete project development in 2019 for this flagship project, which will produce environmentally friendly electricity at market prices entirely without subsidies from the EEG. SolNet found suitable land with the family of the Freiherr von Stauffenberg, who have been local landowners for six centuries.

While initially 10 hectares were discussed, the project area gradually expanded to an impressive 80 hectares. The grandfather of Franz Schenk Freiherr von Stauffenberg had participated in the founding of the OEW in 1909, which later evolved into EnBW. It was only logical that SolNet brought EnBW on board as a partner for the project development and later as the operator of the solar park already in 2020. "The decision to work together with EnBW from an early stage on the realization of the project was exactly right," said Hans Pfisterer.

The solar park is by far the largest in Baden-Württemberg, will have an installed capacity of 80 MW, generate over 80 million kWh of green electricity each year, and thus supply over 30,000 households in Baden-Württemberg.

The electricity will be fed into the 110 kV high-voltage grid of Netze BW. For this purpose, not only was a cable route of about 4 km planned and secured, but also a suitable construction site for the necessary substation had to be found. Moreover, securing access suitable for heavy transport to the future substation was necessary. Project manager Alina Pfisterer noted: "Securing the access was a major challenge in the small-scale farmland around the substation. The last of the required contracts was signed one week before the groundbreaking." This marked the completion of the last hurdle, allowing the excavators to start rolling and the next event to be anticipated in mid-2025: the inauguration celebration of the solar park.

Further information can also be found in numerous press releases:


Tagesschau - Spatenstich für größten Solarpark Baden-Württembergs

SWR: Solarpark Langenenslingen – Meilenstein fürs Land 

ARD Mediathek: Erster Spatenstich für größten Solarpark Baden-Württembergs 

PV-Magazin: Spatenstich für 80 MW Solarpark 

Süddeutsche Zeitung:  EnBW beginnt Bau von 80 ha Solarpark 

EnBW: Baubeginn Solarpark Langenenslingen 

Handelsblatt: 80 ha Solarpark im Südwesten 

Schwäbische Zeitung: Größter Solarpark im Südwesten 

N-TV: Bauphase für 80 ha Solarpark im Südwesten beginnt 

IWR: 80 MW Solarleistung ohne EEG-Förderung 

Solarcluster Baden-Württemberg: Baustart für größten Solarpark im Land 

Snapshots from the Groundbreaking Ceremony - 80 MW Solar Park Langenenslingen-Wilflingen